Welcome to the PEG website!

Here you’ll find everything related to the Power Electronics Group (PEG), a postgraduate research group in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Stellenbosch University.

Why study power electronics?

The modern world hungers for ever-increasing amounts of power generation capabilities. With the transition to non-conventional generation methods, including photovoltaic and wind power generation, improvements in conversion methodologies and converter topologies yield pronounced returns—as more conversion takes place than ever before.

The transition to cleaner, more sustainable generation methods is likely to continue and the role of power electronics in the energy economy is set to continue to grow. Expert-level knowledge in power electronics, a discipline for the future, will secure your position as an in-demand electrical engineer in the twenty-first century.

Apply to join the PEG today

If you’re self-directed and passionate about solving relevant, technically challenging  problems by applying cutting-edge research, you’re in the right place. Apply to join today!

Feel free to fill out our contact form for general inquiries. Head over to the About page for background on the group.